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Many users have left their mark on Sneedclave over time for better and for worse. This page aims to chronicle some notable users of sneedclave for posterity and lulz.

Criteria for Notability

  • They must be regularly discussed by other users, whether positively or otherwise
  • They must be sneedclave

Notable Users

Why are they notable? Aliases Trivia and interesting facts
Gary He is the creator and owner of Sneedclave. theodore.john.kaczynski Gary is a prolific codeslop dev and loves to scraaaaape erotic roleplay chatlogs from Roblox forums.
TheFaggot™ TheFaggot™ frequently comes onto the server to solicit straight men to humiliate him on video call. thefaggot OINK OINK SQUEEEEEEEEL
navarro He is not faggot Constantly spamming slop and is also a JOO FROM ISRAEL
DrDMohammed Hot ZADDY DADDY He has a 49 inch wiener which he uses to behead enemies of Sneedclave
awawawa Gay user who is always camping on the server cat He has no life outside of Sneedclave and constantly belittles anyone who does not know minutiae of Sneedclave.
famous_sneedclave_users.1728945784.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/14 22:43 by